Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Something Has Been Bothering Me!!!

So our landlord came over yesterday and talked our ears off till Bear decided he was ready to leave. He had mentioned that the downstairs people had a kiddy pool that they kept leaving water in.

I guess in Illinois if there is over 4 inches of water in a pool there has to be a fence around it. Which makes since cause anybody can drown in that.

He then decided to tell us why he was so concerned with it. He had said that when he was four, he had a sister that was 2. They had a pond in there backyard. Well his parents had noticed that she had been missing. Well the dad went searching the house, then the yard, and last checked the pond. I guess they had two close ponds, cause he checked the first one and nothing. Then went to the second one and nothing. He went back to the first one to check again and had kicked her body. She died cause she drowned and there was one nobody watching her. Two there was anything up to block this poor little girl from the pond.

That really freaks me out cause I have 5 nieces and a nephew under the age of 8. My mom has a pool 4 foot pool that was built above ground.

Its always been something that was on my mind, but never got to me till someone told me a story of it happening to them. I just hope that everyone else will learn from this mistake and take better care of your loved ones!!! And make sure your property is safe for everyone!!!

Until next time.....

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