Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seriously Please Leave Me ALONE!!!!

So I don't know why alot of people find it way to hard to just leave me alone during this really difficult time. It sucks cause I have only told one person about most of it, and that was really hard to do. Let alone while I keeping telling people to just leave me alone, they persist even more during this time.

I have gone down to one job, which was much needed. Lack of sleep is a big part!! I was reading a column that totally made sleep. In which was said whoever says nap while the baby is napping has seriously never had children of their own. So true!!! Miss Audrinna is going through a phase where we are most of the time lucky to get her down for 45 minutes. So can you only imagine how pissed I get getting into a deep sleep to wake up alittle bit afterwords. Oh and if I try to put her in her walker so I can grab some sleep on the couch, she won't have anything to do with it.

If I don't have time to get house cleaning done, try to fit in some sleep, take care of the animals, got to both jobs, and then take care of Audrinna, tell me when do you want me to fit in time to see friends. Um not going to happen. So when I say that I can't don't flip out on me, or your butt will get to the curve.

I hate that I feel some what responsible that Tim is getting mad at the littlest things. I don't know whats going on but it seems like we have been fighting more than usual and then it just effects Audrinna. I will have to apologize to the people who live downstairs and I say thank you for not calling the cops when you hear us yelling or hearing a bottle hit the wall.

Oh and to all the people who have Medicaid, that doesn't mean come in to the ER for a cough. I'm pretty sure if you have been dealing with it for the past three days that you can wait one more day to call your doctor to make a appointment.

And to Miss Audrinna, you are such a punk!!! haha Tell me why is it that you lay on your stomach for a good 5 minutes then wait till my camera goes dead to roll over!!! Yep she rolled over 4 times in a 10 mintue time and right when I broke out my camera she stopped!!!

I'm going to start this new thing where on Sunday I make a 5 goals for the week.
1) Get Audrinna's room cleaned so we can try once again to get her to sleep in there.
2) Not to flip out on anybody no matter how stupid they act. Which is hard because it seems to be every person I come into contact with this week.
3) Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep everyday.
4) Try to get Audrinna over to Nana's at least twice this week.
5) Get Audrinna's pictures with Santa, hopefully without her crying!!! haha

Well it was nice to vent alittle bit, but I think as long as people leave me alone I can get through this rough patch alot faster. Until next time.....

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