Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So today was a really good day!!!! Went to the doctor for him to tell me that the infection was gone. For the first time today I was able to eat some hard food, and I ate alot!!!! Then I went to Clinton to schedule a appointment to look at buying a house, in which Im pretty sure that I've already found it!!!! Im soooooo excited about that!!!!! Then went out to eat with Tim's dad and sisters. That was really nice to catch up on everything that was happening!!!! Went to my Mom's house to see and chat. I feel bad cause every time we go there Tim seems to get the kids bouncing off the walls! Its been a fun and interesting day. At the moment I'm really trying to space everything out, but only if I could get some help from Tim. Which sucks cause I think he thinks that all this is just going to fall into place. UMMM NOT!!!! We will see what the next couple of weeks brings us! Tomorrow I will up load a pic of my belly at 13 weeks. Which is today!!!!! Can't believe that I only have 6 more months left!!! Soooo much to do though. So I'll go get started. 189 days till Baby Miracle gets here!!!!!!

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