Sunday, June 19, 2011

11 Months!

Yep its time for another update!

Weight- around 19 pounds

Eating- She is now on just milk. We tried doing the whole milk during the day and formula at night, but it was messing with her stomach big time! Poop was super hard, her stomach was hurting before bed from the change, and she just wasn't sleeping as well as she had been.
She gets two meals. One in the morning which involves vegetables and the right before bed time which contains fruit. During the day she just eats whatever Tim and I are eating. Trust me we can't hide anything from this chick!! haha

Clothes- I still haven't put her 6 to 9 months clothes away so alot of the time she is still wearing them, but for the most part she is in 12 month clothes.

Teeth- I keep checking but still at 8! When will she get more!! She has been slobbering like crazy so I know there are more in the close future!

Naps- She wakes up around 9 or 10. Doesn't lay down for her first nap till 1 or 2ish. We were giving her another nap at 5 but with the whole milk thing, it made us stop with the second nap just to get her super tired so she would just go right to sleep when it is time.

New catagory!!!!

Words- Mama, Dada, Bye. These are the words that we have heard her say more than once!! She is just so talkative. Even if you can't understand her she is still babbling like crazy. She is a talker.

Just recently like in the past couple of days she has been standing all by herself and tonight while she was visiting her Aunt Tori and Uncle Nick, she took her first step!!! I'm hoping that she will be walking by her B-day!!

Here are pictures of the house after The Beast aka Audrinna has gone through.

Her with her puppy Bear!

And here she is finding new ways to get what she wants.
She pushed her couch up there so she could get to the game controller box!

She is growing up so fast and next month is a HUGE milestone!!!

I love you baby girl and you will always be my BABY!!!

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