10 months old, can time slow down please!!! I have got to already get the move on for planning her birthday party. Oh how time flies!!!

Weight- 18 lbs
Length- I'm guessing longer than 27 inches, but I'm not about to bust out a ruler to check. Sorry Audrinna
Eating- She is still eating three solids a day and is nowing only taking formula when she lays down. Which adds up to between 16 and 20 ounces. She is now a big girl who uses a sippy!!! I'm staying away from juices and sugar drinks so she has been drinking tea. Which she LOVES!!! Thank the lord that was easy enough. She got the gene from Daddy. Mommy only will drink hot tea.
Clothes- Still in 6-9 month clothes and size 4 shoes. Hoping to break out the new clothes soon.
Teeth- Mommy checks her teeth every so often and not any more teeth. We are still stuck at 8. Just recently she has began slobbering like crazy so more are on their way!!!
Naps- I will have to say she is the easiest child to lay down for naps. Minus those first days when it was in the 90s. Those were days from hell. She screamed for an hour. All she wanted was for either Tim or I just to stand by her crib. I'm not for sure what the purpose of this was, but we were not falling for it. We both went in a couple of times to rock her for a little bit and to calm her down, but nothing seemed to work. So we turned to the crying it out method. She seems to beALOT better since we put the little window unit into her bedroom.
She is still taking her two naps a day any where between an hour to three. Which is fine with Mommy. Gives me time to sleep before I have to go to work.

I didn't realize it till now that Audrinna has taken on one of my genes. Up in till mother nature took her course, I was super skinny and believe me I ate. Audrinna eats everything even whatever is on my plate. Which thanks baby girl, you don't know how much you are helping Mommy lose weight! haha
But until next time.....