6:30- So today I made it home early so Tim could take the Mercury to work. Only to get a text saying that his meeting wasn't until 7:30 unlike the 7 he thought it was.
7:00- Tim takes off to work, and I try to jump into bed hoping to get some sleep before Audrinna wakes up!!
8:30- Audrinna wakes up, eats 4 oz of formula, watches some Miss Spidey
8:52- Audrinna has a melt down that then just ends in her going down for a much early nap. I then head off to get a nap myself.
11:30- She wakes screaming. I go in there to find that she has got some poop on her sheet. She had pooped while she was sleeping and had been rolling around in her bed. She gets her 4 oz of formula.
12:00- Gets her normal of cereal and a half jar of baby food. Today was peaches!!!
12:30- Is the start of another melt down. So off for her normal nap time and same for Mommy.
3:00- I wake up to hearing her talking. I go in there to see this little face peering through her rails and over her bumper pad.
I put her in her bumbo and then accidentally fell asleep on the couch. Only to wake up 15 minutes later to a baby sitting on the floor pulling out diapers from the box. I'm still trying to figure out how she got out of the bumbo!!!
4:00- Lays down for her normal second nap. Mom tries to patiently wait for Dad to call seeings he was suppose to get off at 4, but doesn't get off till 4:30.
Normally I wouldn't mind this, but on the days when I have to go to work and need to get more than two hours of sleep in a row and not have to worry about the baby waking up and me hearing her. It gets a little annoying and to top it off I had to be at work at 7:30 instead of the 11.
4:45- I finally get to lay back down.
6:15- My alarm goes off to get ready for work.
6:45- Audrinna wakes up.
7:00- I'm off to work!!!!
I was a little shocked cause it has been a month since she has taken three naps and even with that she has never only stayed up for barley a half hour!! I just hate the thought of my baby getting older!!!
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