The bad part is that we can't move anything of our into the new place till August. Why do you ask?
Because the renters before us trashed it. Yep Completely trashed it. To help the process out and an easy way for me to look around and try to find out in my head where things are going to go; I'm helping with everything.
Monday, I spent the day picking up trash and their personal belongings that they left behind. After two trash bags and three bags of belongings later, I called it quits.
Tuesday, I cleaned up trash and belongings again. But ended up moving to the basement. After three trash bags and twenty trips to the garage to put their stuff there till they came and got it; I called it quits again. After this day I was pretty much not in the cleaning mood anymore. Plus didn't help that we had to clean up dog and rabbit poo and work around cat pee.
Wednesday was spent sanitizing the kitchen cabinets and cleaning out the stove. Short and easy day.
Thursday I went back to the basement to get all the cobwebs cleaned up. The basement looks alot longer now.
I haven't done anything since then. There is only so much cleaning that a person can do. After all that I didn't want to go home to clean up the mess that Audrinna left for me.
Well the landlords also joined in on the fun. They pulled carpet up from 4 of the rooms. Pads and all, all to find that the wood flooring under had termite damage. So looks like we have to pull up all the boards that are damaged and replace them. They also got all the wall paper down from 1 of 3 rooms.
It seems that our landlords and I are not on the same page as far as when the place will be done. If it was up to me I would say the next three weeks. Only cause we are both taking vacations next week so not much can be done.
My agenda is that this week get all wall paper off the wall. Third week of July, get all boards replaced, paint all rooms, and fix the floor so we can get the floating tile ready to get layed down. Fourth week get carpet layed and tile down. Also sanitizing things again from all the dust. And last moving in!!!
I will keep everyone filled in. So excited about making this jump in our lives. Tim and I are scared, but it will be best for our family!
But until next time....